We all want to look better and your smile is one of the first things that people notice when they meet you for the first time. Your smile is a powerful thing.

Every day we see our patients grow with self-confidence as we go about improving their smile. When you feel good about yourself you can do anything. Seeing this happen in our patients makes us feel great as well and its why we love our job.

Tooth Whitening

At Rouse Hill Family Dental Clinic you have the choice of a take home custom fitted whitening solution or in office Zoom whitening. Our dentists and hygienists can advise which method is best for you based on whether you want to do things in the comfort of your home or whether you want results in the same day.


Bonding is a simple procedure that can be performed in a single visit. It involves using a material called composite resin that is selected to match the colour of your teeth. This is placed on your tooth as a soft putty. It is then moulded and shaped until the desired beautiful shape is achieved. The putty then gets hardened using a special curing light. The great advantage of bonding is that it can often be done with no or minimal drilling, and the results can look spectacular. It does have disadvantages though such as wear and staining over time, as it is not as hard as a natural tooth. It is however relatively inexpensive and easy to repair.


Custom designed porcelain veneers are a way of making your tooth the ideal colour and shape for you. They can be used to mask severely stained teeth, correct mildly crooked teeth and make the shape of your teeth more consistent and even. They resist staining and chipping well and with good care can last more than a decade. They do cost more than bonding but usually last a lot longer. Ask us whether you are a suitable candidate for this procedure.